New Mexico Road Runner



Pursuing a Green Amendment in New Mexico

Learn more about how the NM Green Amendment will bring critical protections for New Mexico’s environment and communities with these updated 2024 resources:

Green Energy Benefits of the NM Green Amendment

A new memo explains the many values of the New Mexico Green Amendment for securing climate justice and advancing clean and renewable energy in New Mexico.  The memo also takes on the false claims by lobbyists who have been working behind the scenes with a misinformation campaign to undermine this critical value of the NM Green Amendment.

Get on the cutting edge of knowledge by reviewing this detailed memo and discussion put together by experts in the Green Amendment arena:

Learn About the 2024 NM Green Amendment Language to be Proposed

Legislative champions announced the new 2024 Green Amendment language during a 1 hour community forum.  If you would like to view the event we have posted it to the NM Green Amendment Action App Community (information on app sign up below).

If you are already on the app this link will take you straight to the platform where the recording and other trainings are posted. If you are not yet on the app, you will need to sign up and sign in to see the recording.  Not sure if you want to join the app? Go to our Act Now tab to read a little more on what it is and where to sign up.

Given the strategic nature of the discussion, we felt it important to keep this recording more within the community collective that is dedicated to advancing the New Mexico Green Amendment as opposed to broad public broadcast where even our opposition can see it.

Link to the October 24 NM Green Amendment Town Hall:

Understanding the Environmental Justice Values

The NM Green Amendment will be a beneficial tool for advancing environmental justice and ending environmental racism.  Learn more in these helpful resources:

New Mexico: A Resource or Sacrifice State? Recording now available

A webinar hosted by Indivisible Nob Hill and Green Amendments For The Generations to discuss NM’s most pressing environmental issues and how a Green Amendment could help provide a solution.

  • Nuclear issues in New Mexico, in particular waste storage plans in Lea County by Holtec International, presented by Leona Morgan and Eileen Shaughnessy
  • Health impacts of methane pollution, presented by Mario Atencio
  • A Green Amendment as a solution, presented by Green Amendments For the Generations founder Maya van Rossum.

Watch the recording of this Zoominar – use the password: 5L@Zv5=$ to access.

Help Us Secure Green Amendment Protections in New Mexico & Nationwide

Your donation today will help us do the work, provide the expertise, inspire supporters and take on the challengers so that every person and community in New Mexico and nationwide can have a true RIGHT, that is enforceable, to a clean, safe & healthy environment.
<a href="http://"><img src="http://" alt="About the author of the Green Amendment Book" class="attachment- size-"></a>

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Factsheets and Materials

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Resources for Teachers/Educators

For the Generations Image Gallery