What is a Green Amendment?
Green Amendments are self executing provisions added to the bill of rights section of a constitution that recognize and protect the rights of all people, including future generations, to pure water, clean air, a stable climate, and healthy environments.
What’s Happening in New Mexico?
The New Mexico Green Amendment Coalition continues to educate, organize and engage communities on the values of having a constitutional New Mexico Green Amendment.
The New Mexico Green Amendment has been re-proposed for 2025 consideration.
- In the House the Green Amendment is HJR 3 and has been sponsored by Representative Joanne Ferrary, Representative Patricia Roybal Caballero, Representative Joseph Hernandez, Representative Tara Lujan.
- In the Senate the Green Amendment is advancing as SJR4 and is sponsored by Senator Harold Pope Jr., Senator Shannon Pinto and Senator Antoinette Sedillo Lopez.
February 3, 2025, by a vote of 6 to 3, the NM Green Amendment was passed out of the House Government,Elections & Indian Affairs Committee
The New Mexico Green Amendment proposal reads:
SECTION 1. It is proposed to amend Article 2 of the constitution of New Mexico by adding a new section that reads:
A.The people of the state shall have a right to clean and healthy air, water, soil and environments; healthy native flora, fauna and ecosystems, and a safe climate; and to the preservation of the natural, cultural, scenic and healthful qualities of the environment. The state shall protect these rights equitably for all people regardless of race, ethnicity, tribal affiliation, gender, socioeconomics, or geography.
B.The state, counties and municipalities shall serve as trustee of the natural resources of New Mexico and shall conserve, protect and maintain these resources for the benefit of all the people, including present and future generations.
C. The provisions of this section are self-executing. Monetary damages shall not be awarded for a violation of this section. This section is enforceable against the state, counties and municipalities.
The New Mexico Green Amendment Coalition hosted a special program to share & discuss this constitutional language that organizations, activists and good government officials are coalescing around. You can view the program discussion in the Green Amendment Action Platform’s New Mexico Community.
Support for the Green Amendment Grows: you can see which organizations are supporting New Mexico having Green Amendment protections here.
- Want to sign your organization on in support ? Do so here
- Are you an individual who wants to be sure you are part of the NM Green Amendment movement? Sign the people’s petition here.

NM Rep Ferrary Feb 3, 2025 with Maya van Rossum, Rep Roybal Caballero, Sen Pope & Rep Hernandez preparing for hearing.

Sen Pope, Sen Pinto, Sen Sedillo Lopez at 2025 hearing

Rep Roybal Caballero at Environment Day before the NM Green Amendment information booth
History of the New Mexico Green Amendment to bring you up to speed:
The New Mexico Green Amendment was proposed and the subject of an informative, and at times contentious, Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in which New Mexico community members share, in clear and compelling testimony, why they needed the heightened protections of the constitution for ensuring their environmental rights. But committee leaders tabled the proposal before communities got an opportunity to see where their government leaders really stood on the matter. But a lot of information was learned about how the opposition was organizing a misinformation campaign behind the scenes that we are now well-poised to take on with facts and the truth.
The New Mexico Green Amendment was once again proposed under the leadership of Senator Antoinette Sedillo Lopez and Representative Joanne Ferrary, with a growing list of cosponsors including Senator Shannon Pinto, Senator Harold Pope, Jr., Representative Tara Lujan, Representative Patricia Roybal Caballero and nearly 20 more. While the amendment did not make it all the way through the legislative process, it was the beneficiary of a robust hearing as well as a solid review by the Attorney General’s office demonstrating the amendment was not scary and in fact would be value added for state environmental protections.
2022 marked a key year of growth for constitutional environmental rights recognition in New Mexico.
On January 5, 2022, House Joint Resolution 02/Senate Joint Resolution 02 — a resolution to amend the New Mexico Constitution in order to add enforceable environmental rights — was introduced by Senator Antoinette Sedillo Lopez and Representative Joanne Ferrary.
New Mexicans made powerful progress during the 2022 thirty day legislative session. After 2 well attended hearings the amendment passed the through the House Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Committee by majority vote. While the amendment was ultimately tabled by the House Judiciary Committee which rendered it unable to make it through the entire legislative process in 2022, the number of legislative supporters, organizational supporters and grassroots supporters swelled as the session progressed.
The NM Green Amendment was a featured item of discussion at the 2022 Walking 4 the Climate Rally held on MLK Day, which helped launch the legislative session. Weekly trainings, Q&A sessions, dissemination of information sheets, and over 2,000 door hangers helped inform the conversation around advancing the Amendment.
Legislative champions Representative Joanne Ferrarry and Senator Antoinette Sedillo Lopez led the effort at the legislative level and were met with great support from colleagues. The 30 day session is short and there is a lot to be accomplished. All supporters knew it would be a high hurdle going into the session, but were tremendously pleased with the progress. Over 50 New Mexico organizations signed on in support of the NM Green Amendment. And while in 2021 the New Mexico Green Amendment had 5 legislative sponsors, by the end of the 2022 legislative session the amendment secured support from 26 official sponsors including: Senator Antoinette Sedillo Lopez, Representative Joanne Ferrary, Senator Harold Pope, Jr., Senator Bill Soules, Senator Elizabeth “Liz” Stefanics, Senator Gerald Ortiz y Pino, Senator Carrie Hamblen, Representative Tara Lujan, Senator Shannon Pinto, Representative Debbie Sarinana, Senator Linda Lopez, Representative Patricia Roybal Caballero, Senator Bill Tallman, Senator Jeff Steinborn, Representative Kay Bounkeua, Representative Elizabeth “Liz” Thomson, Representative Gail Chasey, Representative Miguel Garcia, Senator Roberto “Bobby” J. Gonzales, Senator Brenda McKenna, Senator Michael Padilla, Senator Nancy Rodriguez, Senator Benny Shendo, Representative Pamela Herndon, Representative Linda Serrato, and Representative Matthew McQueen.
NM Green Amendment legislative champions and supporters have already voiced their enthusiastic support to try again in 2023 when the session will be 60 days long and the NM Green Amendment will be starting from a hard-fought higher foundation of support.
Achieving a New Mexico Green Amendment is imminently doable. Upon securing just a majority vote in each of the legislative houses, the NM Green Amendment will be placed on the ballot for a vote of the people at the next election. While the Governor has the bully pulpit and could be using her voice in support, she does not have an official role in the constitutional amendment process.
In the 2021 legislative session, a very similar amendment (only a few words difference) was the subject of a February 8, 2021 hearing and vote before the Senate Rules Committee who voted 7-4 in favor. From there the amendment proceeded to the Senate Judiciary Committee where it unfortunately languished until the end of the legislative session because of the failure of Senator Cervantes to put it forth for hearing.
Not to be deterred, our legislative champions and growing coalition of organization supporters immediately started gearing up for the 2022 legislative session. 2023 education, outreach and organization is already underway.
More exciting news
On National Green Amendment Day 2021, the Doña Ana Board of County Commissioners stood in solidarity with many New Mexico organizations and passed a proclamation formally recognizing July 13 as Green Amendment Day.
Read the proclamation here and listen to Senator Carrie Hamblen’s powerful remarks on the need for a NM Green Amendment particularly for BIPOC communities. Senator Hamblen is the CEO and President of the Las Cruces Green Chamber of Commerce and serves as the state Senator for District 38.
New Mexico is being featured in The Green Amendment documentary series. You can read about the journey of interviews and filming in a 3 part reflection series written by our Founder, Maya van Rossum:
- Reflections on the first part of her trip here.
- Reflections on the second part of the trip are available here
- Reflections on the third and final part of the trip are now available – read here!
New Mexico is being featured in the Green Amendment Documentary Series.
Want to see a bit more about the beginning of our NM Green Amendment movement? This video includes highlights of one of our earlier visits and how it all began.
National Green Amendments Movement
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