New Mexico Road Runner


May 2023 Newsletter


Green Amendment movement receives Cult + King 1% For the Planet donation

On Earth Day eve, Green Amendments For The Generations received notice we had been selected as one of 3 environmental organizations to potentially receive a significant 1% For the Planet donation. But first, we needed the community to vote in support.

We quickly pivoted to spread the good news and ask for the support of our Green Amendment community. And boy did you all turn out and show up in support!  By the end of the weekend the vote count was already 388-62-26 in our favor. As the days moved on, the support for our Green Amendment For The Generations organization and movement continued to grow, and 3 ½ days into voting, the count was 837-274-79. By this point our efforts really started to gain traction, with every day our organizational support lifting higher and higher. By the end of the week and the close of the voting, the count was 2008-413-162. (How are we able to give you such accurate numbers? Because Maya was tracking it every few hours, day by day – for real!)

And as we would come to learn, the supporting votes weren’t just from our members – people who were learning about our organization and work for the first time were also voting in support.

Over the course of the week, at GAFTG we were also familiarizing ourselves with Cult + King and learning about their powerful and empowering dedication to advancing environmental protection and social justice. A 1% For the Planet company that makes clean products for hair, skin, and scalp, they are clear; a major part of their vision, mission and focus is to advance “a movement of positive, disruptive change where conscience meets style.”

As our way of saying thank you and sharing the fun of this effort, we are inviting everyone who voted for us to have your name entered into a free drawing for Green Amendment swag as well as some items that Cult + King has donated to help express our gratitude.

We’ll be drawing the names live on zoom Thursday, May 18 at 12pm EST. If you voted, we hope you will sign up and join the fun. You do not have to be on the zoom to win. There is a limit of one prize per person.

Mark Your Calendar! National Green Amendment Day – July 13 – is Fast Approaching.

This year’s theme is Learning & Enjoying the Successes of Green Amendment Environmental Rights Protections:

  • Proving They Make a Difference;
  • Proving They’re Not Scary; &
  • Demonstrating Growing Support

Green Amendments are making a difference. In Pennsylvania, Montana and New York – the 3 Green Amendment states – Green Amendments are inspiring government officials to make better decisions, and when government stubbornly refuses to fulfill their responsibility to protect natural resources and environmental rights, people are engaging the courts to help ensure critical, fair, equitable and essential protections.

This National Green Amendment Day, join our full day of programming to learn more and support our growing Green Amendment movement.

  • To learn how Green Amendments are making a difference in the 3 states that have them, join our live program and hear how Green Amendments are helping government officials and communities proactively secure essential environmental protections. Register here to join the live program; please note timing and other details are still being confirmed.
  • Take Action between now and Green Amendment Day to spread the word, and be recognized for your leadership. All who take action as described below will be entered into a drawing for some fun and valuable prizes. Your successes will be featured on the Green Amendments website for live viewing & sharing all day long. At 12pm EST we will be holding the Live Green Amendment Day Prize Drawing (more on that below).

Activity One: Help demonstrate business support for Green Amendments – businesses of any size, type or service area are welcome.

If you own a business yourself, feel free to sign the form and enter your own name!

In the weeks leading up to National Green Amendment Day, join the effort – and perhaps win a prize – to demonstrate that responsible businesses support the Green Amendment movement, recognizing it does not hurt their businesses and may even help them.

For every business (large, small, national, regional, local, of any kind) you can get to sign the statement of Green Amendment Business Support (either signing on paper or online) your name will be placed in the hat for our Live Green Amendment Day Prize Drawing.

Here’s all you need to guide & support your business outreach:

  • Instructions with a link to online form, a downloadable pdf, and sample text to help with your outreach.
  • Downloadable PDF for a physical copy of the form for sharing.
  • Form for online signing can be found/shared at this link:
  • Send us an email to let us know what business you encouraged to sign on so we can put your name in the hat for prizes (one entry for every business you got to sign on):

Activity Two: In a brief video, share why you believe in the Green Amendment path for protection and have your message featured on National Green Amendment Day.

Create a 2-5 minute video sharing why you believe in the Green Amendment path for protection. Send an email to with the subject line “GA Day Video” to let us know, and we’ll tell you how to share your video with us. You can also send any questions to this same email address.

Your video will be featured as part of our National Green Amendment Day program, including being highlighted on all our websites, social media platforms, and included on the page highlighted for the press to review.

If you submit a video, your name will be submitted for our Live Green Amendment Day Prize Drawing

The Green Amendment Day Prize Drawing will be taking place at 12pm EST on Green Amendment Day. Please register here to join the live program and witness the drawing. You do not need to be present in order to win and claim your prize.


In a number of states the legislative sessions have come to a close or are starting to wind down, with Green Amendment proposals securing hearings, growing grassroots engagement and support, and benefiting from a growing level of interest but not making it over the finish line. 2024 will be a new year for the proposals in these states.

But some states are still active or just getting started:

Connecticut: A week of community programs around Earth Day in Connecticut was a huge success. People from all walks of life turned out to learn more and identify how they could engage. This is the first year the Connecticut proposal was put forth, but it clearly is resonating.

Delaware:  Delaware’s legislative session has just gotten into full swing. Most notably, Delaware’s Green Amendment is awaiting reproposal (stay informed in Delaware by clicking here).

New Jersey: There are several months yet to go in New Jersey’s legislative year. The grassroots battle continues to secure a hearing so communities can share their perspectives on the values of having a Green Amendment (to learn more and engage in New Jersey click here).

New York: In New York, communities are continuing to learn about their new constitutional right at public events, as part of ongoing advocacy, and in meaningful legal venues. Every effort is bringing more clarity to what the New York Green Amendment means and how communities can benefit from its protection. It was a wonderful surprise when Assemblyman Steve Englebright, the primary champion of New York’s amendment, joined Green Amendment Founder Maya van Rossum, environmental journalist Karl Grossman, and Hamptons Film Festival organizer Jackie Leopold at the Docs Equinox Film Festival in April.

Wherever the Green Amendment movement has inspired communities to act, we are seeing progress, education, leadership and engagement. Not sure what is happening in your state? Go to the Active States tab of our website and take a look. If you don’t see your state listed then maybe you will be the one to get in touch and work with our team to get the ball rolling!


Follow us on Facebook to stay updated on events across the nation!
Schedule an event with Maya here.

Thursday, May 18 at 12:00pm EST
LIVE Prize Drawing to Show our Gratitude for Your Support During the Cult + King Challenge.
Please register to join the live drawing (you do not have to be present to win).

Sunday, May 21 at 6:00pm EST
Screening of Here’s the Story:  The Green Amendment followed by Panel Discussion

The Colonial Theatre (White Rabbit Theatre)
227 Bridge St
Phoenixville, PA
Tickets available here. Environmental organization meet and greet at 6pm, film at 6:30pm followed by panel discussion moderated by Karen Feridun, founder of Berks Gas Truth and co-founder of Better Path Coalition. Panelists include Maya van Rossum, founder of the Green Amendment movement and the Delaware Riverkeeper, and Kate Stauffer, a Pennsylvania activist who is featured in the film.

For more up to date information on our events, please visit http://
